Neuro inclusive Solutions

Meet the Team

Display Picture of Florence Smith

Florence Smith

Florence is Dyslexic, Dyspraxic, AuDHD social worker and Practice Educator. She uses her lived and professional experience to inform her work. Florence hosts the website and blog 'The Neurodivergent Social Worker' where she writes to both neurodivergent social workers and to social work employers - specifically advocating for cultural and system changes to facilitate neuro-inclusion within social work

Display Picture of Silene Tokyo

Deb Solomon

Deb is a social worker, practice development lead and practice educator. Deb is the current Chair of BASW Neurodivergent Social Workers Special Interest Group, and Vice Chair of the BASW Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group and uses her lived experience to provide training to local authorities and organisations across the UK. Deb is an Autistic ADHDer, and the mum to two neurodivergent teenagers.

Display Picture of Silene Tokyo

Jenni Guthrie

Jenni is an AuDHD+ registered social worker, practice educator and researcher. Jenni currently leads the BASW Neurodivergent student and newly qualified social worker group and is chair of trustees to the charity Autistic Parents UK. Like Deb and Florence, Jenni uses lived experience in personal and professional contexts to inform their work in all aspects of social work practice and research concerning neurodivergence but with a particular interest in social work education and organisational development. Jenni has a website and blog (Autistic Social Worker) where you can read more of their work.

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